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It has already been one month and a half, but it is with great pleasure that I let you know that, this year, once again I was selected to participate on the 16th edition of the international contemporary jewellery fair AUTOR. Therefore, in April, I packed my jewellery pieces, my bags, and took a plane to Bucharest. I was delighted to be back to that city which is full of surprises and to be apart again of this wonderful event!

This year, the venue occurred in the most wonderful place: The Grand Boulevard Hotel of Bucharest! This location made the Fair even more special and I would even say magical. The Romanian Ministry of Culture classifies it as a Class Monument of Culture and Architecture, and once you get in, you can see why!

Those old big rooms, design by Alexandru Orascu, are simply magnificent. You get lost in its sumptuous decorations and mystic light. The space is so beautiful that I had to tour it twice. The fist time, I was simply admiring those marble columns and golden chandeliers, imagining all the gala events that those colorful walls have assisted in the past. Lucky for me and for all the visitors of the fair, the jewelers who were presenting their work were so brilliant that afterwards I was able to keep my eyes away from that enchanting architecture.

Photo credits II Ionuţ Dobre

Photo credits II Grand Hotel du Bolevard

This time, I had some new jewellery pieces to present, made of sterling silver and steel wire. The goal was to use an ordinary material which, once combine with a precious one, becomes precious itself. It was amazing to see people’s reaction once they touched it, not only because they were quite pleased with the result, but also to hear their comments like: “It looks so heavy, but is so light!”

Of course, I also presented the pieces from my new collection, specially my latest brooches. As usually, they try to get ride of all the excess in order embellish the beauty of geometric forms.

In the end, I continue to state that I simply love this Fair. It is bold! Never afraid to show artist with talent, even if sometimes they are still not very know from the public in general. It doesn’t matter how old you are, your nationality, how many people know your work. The important things are: be in love with contemporary jewellery and talented!

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Ana Bragança

Rua São João Bosco 145

4100-451 Porto


NIF: 202257738


Tel: +41 79881 32 98 / +351 91 026 87 08



INCM (Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda) || N. P008868

AORP (Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal) || 2014

2018 Ana Bragança. All rights reserved

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